A car when you need it.

This translation of the general terms and conditions is provided for the convenience of our non-German speaking customers. Only the German version is legally binding.

General Terms and Conditions

1. Definition

ZebraMobil provides its registered clients with comfortable city cars on hire, especially for spontaneous use.

2. Authorisation

To use one of our cars, registered clients must possess a valid driver’s license. In the course of one rent, driver changes are permitted as long as all drivers are registered clients of ZebraMobil and possess a valid driver’s license.

To protect ourselves from misuse or accounts receivable on a larger scale, we reserve for us, in a given case, to withdraw the permission to drive our cars.

As a client of ZebraMobil you agree to inform us immediately if your driver’s license has been lost or withdrawn. Similarly, we reserve the right to check the validity of the driver’s license from time to time.

3. Car-hire Contract

You get access to one of our cars using your ZebraCard together with your PIN or using your smart phone. The hiring contract starts the moment the car is unlocked; it ends when the car is finally locked again by means of ZebraCard or smart phone after having parked the car within a permitted parking zone at a permitted parking space (see 6. Returning the Car). During the length of hire you are responsible for the vehicle, for all damages (see 8. Damages) and for observing traffic rules.

Before starting your trip you are obliged to check the vehicle for damages and obvious technical faults as well as dirt, all of which you should notify us where necessary.

4. Authentication

To be acknowledged by the vehicle as a user you have to authenticate yourself with your ZebraCard and correct PIN. For online applications such as our website or smart phone apps please prove your identity by means of user name and password. Moreover, you are obliged to put away your ZebraCard as safely as possible and under no circumstances disclose your password or your PIN to anybody (not even associates of ZebraMobil). If you happen to lose your ZebraCard or if a password or PIN becomes known, you have to notify us immediately.

5. Using the Vehicle

During the trip you have to stick to a few basic rules for our vehicles to remain comfortable and clean for all users:

6. Returning the Car

When returning the car please make sure that

7. Refuelling

For the most part, you do not have to see to refuelling the car. However, you are expected to refuel the vehicle before finishing one rent should fuel have fallen below 1/4. In that case or if you are to embark on a longer trip, please use the fuel-card, which you find inside the vehicle, to fill up the tank at a service station where the card is accepted.

The fuel-card is reserved for refuelling the assigned car and may on no account be used for other cars or other purposes. Further, the fuel-card’s PIN must not be disclosed to anybody.

8. Damages

As a renter you are liable for any damages occurring during the time of rent. As long as the damage can be covered by the fully or partially comprehensive insurance, you will be liable to pay EUR 500,- within the frame of the accidental damage excess, as long as no other agreement has been made (e.g. for specific trips).

Please be advised that you may be liable for the total damage amount in case of gross negligence or deliberate violations of our GTC.

9. Billing

For using ZebraMobil you will receive a bill about the amount due, which we will a short time after charge the account with to which you gave us a direct debit authority. As a consequence, you are obligated to see to sufficient funds and notify us immediately in the event of altered payment details. In case of failed payments we will add all cost associated with the failure to your bill. In case of repeat failed payments, we reserve the right to terminate your contract.

10. Data Protection and Data Transmission

ZebraMobil collects, stores, and processes personal data of its clients as long as this is necessary to provide its service. Personal data will be communicated to third parties only if this is indispensable to conclude the contract or to provide a certain service (e.g. to postal operators to process a registration or to credit agencies like SCHUFA). On no account will personal data be imparted to third parties that are not directly involved in providing a service. Excepted are regulatory and law enforcement agencies if required and permitted (e.g. to determine the driver).

In order to guarantee the smooth running of ZebraMobil - which is not bound to a station - it is necessary for the vehicles to transmit their position and further data concerning their state after certain intervals. This is possible to happen either during a trip or when not moving. These data will only be connected to the driver’s data if made necessary for reasons of billing.

In certain cases, the location of the car within a certain area may be determined automatically (e.g. to limit the cost when searching for parking or to redeem parking cost at retailers). In these cases, no personal data will be imparted to third parties.

Apart from that, personal data will not be assessed or evaluated. However, we evaluate vehicle data in an anonymized way to improve ZebraMobil’s service on the whole.

11. Alterations of the GTC

ZebraMobil may subsequently alter these general terms and conditions or additional special terms and conditions. Should this occasion arise, we will notify you of the altered conditions highlighting the alterations. If you do not agree with these alterations, you may raise an objection within a period of one month after receiving the alterations. If you do not raise an objection within this period of time, the alteration will be considered approved and authorised. In its communication, ZebraMobil will specifically indicate the right to object, the relevance of your behaviour and the resulting legal consequences.

12. General Terms

As long as you are not a private customer Munich is the agreed place of jurisdiction.

Even if one or more of the above stated terms are ineffectual, the efficacy of the other terms will be unaffected. In this case a valid term applies which is close to the original one.

Applicable from April 2013