A car when you need it.

Whether for a short shopping trip or for driving on vacation, ZebraMobil is the best alternative to owning a car. You only pay as you go. Fuel, insurance, maintenance and 200km per day are included. And in case it takes you longer than 10 minutes to find a parking spot at the end of your trip, the remaining time is on us.

Price per hourPrice per minute
While driving€15.0025 ct.
While parking (ignition turned off for at least 1 min.)€6.0010 ct.
While parking, from 7th hour total trip time€1.803 ct.
Up to 200km per day– free –
Additional kilometers10 ct. per km
Parking search time in excess of 10 minutes– free –
Monthly or annual fees– free –

All prices incl. 19% VAT; applicable from 11/15/2012

Price Calculator

Shopping at IKEA Day trip to the lake Weekend trip to Austria
  • 0 0 0
  • -

Final price including VAT, fuel, insurance and all other cost; all information subject to change without notice


Usage costs

While driving, each minute costs 25 ct. (equal to €15 per hour), including fuel.

When the car is parked, each minute costs 10 ct. only (equal to €6 per hour). The car is considered to be parking when the ignition stays turned off for at least one minute. If your total trip takes longer than 6 hours (total driving and parking time combined), each additional parking minute costs 3 ct. only (equal to €1.80 per hour or €43.20 per day). We calculate the final price at the end of your trip; only the total driving and parking times matter, not the order in which they are incurred.

200km are included per day. Each additional kilometer costs 10 ct. For multi-day trips, 200km are included for each fractional day.

In case it takes you longer than 10 minutes to find a parking spot, you do not have to pay for the additional time. Any time spent looking for a parking spot beyond 10 minutes is free for you. Our cars consider the time driven in their respective parking zone before ending the trip to be search time.


Comprehensive damage insurance (“Vollkasko”) and third party liability insurance are always included when you rent a ZebraMobil. For any kind of damage, a deductible applies in the amount of €500.

Sign up

At sign up, we charge a one-time fee of €9.


We currently accept direct debit from German bank accounts (“Lastschrift mit Einzugsermächtigung”) or VISA and MasterCard credit cards. You receive your invoices by email and your account is then debited a few days later. You can also view your invoices and current balance online. The invoicing period varies between a week and a month, depending on how much you drive.